/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Silverlight.js version 2.0.30523.6 // // This file is provided by Microsoft as a helper file for websites that // incorporate Silverlight Objects. This file is provided under the Microsoft // Public License available at // http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/silverlightjs/Project/License.aspx. // You may not use or distribute this file or the code in this file except as // expressly permitted under that license. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!window.Silverlight) { window.Silverlight = { }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // _silverlightCount: // // Counter of globalized event handlers // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight._silverlightCount = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // fwlinkRoot: // // Prefix for fwlink URL's // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.fwlinkRoot='http://go2.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID='; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // onGetSilverlight: // // Called by Silverlight.GetSilverlight to notify the page that a user // has requested the Silverlight installer // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.onGetSilverlight = null; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // onSilverlightInstalled: // // Called by Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion when the page detects // that Silverlight has been installed. The event handler is not called // in upgrade scenarios. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled = function () {window.location.reload(false);}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // isInstalled: // // Checks to see if the correct version is installed // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.isInstalled = function(version) { var isVersionSupported=false; var container = null; try { var control = null; try { control = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl'); if ( version == null ) { isVersionSupported = true; } else if ( control.IsVersionSupported(version) ) { isVersionSupported = true; } control = null; } catch (e) { var plugin = navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"] ; if ( plugin ) { if ( version === null ) { isVersionSupported = true; } else { var actualVer = plugin.description; if ( actualVer === "1.0.30226.2") actualVer = "2.0.30226.2"; var actualVerArray =actualVer.split("."); while ( actualVerArray.length > 3) { actualVerArray.pop(); } while ( actualVerArray.length < 4) { actualVerArray.push(0); } var reqVerArray = version.split("."); while ( reqVerArray.length > 4) { reqVerArray.pop(); } var requiredVersionPart ; var actualVersionPart var index = 0; do { requiredVersionPart = parseInt(reqVerArray[index]); actualVersionPart = parseInt(actualVerArray[index]); index++; } while (index < reqVerArray.length && requiredVersionPart === actualVersionPart); if ( requiredVersionPart <= actualVersionPart && !isNaN(requiredVersionPart) ) { isVersionSupported = true; } } } } } catch (e) { isVersionSupported = false; } if (container) { document.body.removeChild(container); } return isVersionSupported; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WaitForInstallCompletion: // // Occasionally checks for Silverlight installation status. If it // detects that Silverlight has been installed then it calls // Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled();. This is only supported // if Silverlight was not previously installed on this computer. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion = function() { if ( ! Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired && Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled ) { try { navigator.plugins.refresh(); } catch(e) { } if ( Silverlight.isInstalled(null) ) { Silverlight.onSilverlightInstalled(); } else { setTimeout(Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion, 3000); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // __startup: // // Performs startup tasks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.__startup = function() { Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired = Silverlight.isInstalled(null); if ( !Silverlight.isBrowserRestartRequired) { Silverlight.WaitForInstallCompletion(); } if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener('load', Silverlight.__startup , false); } else { window.detachEvent('onload', Silverlight.__startup ); } } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', Silverlight.__startup , false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', Silverlight.__startup ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // createObject: // // Inserts a Silverlight tag or installation experience into the HTML // DOM based on the current installed state of Silverlight. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.createObject = function(source, parentElement, id, properties, events, initParams, userContext) { var slPluginHelper = new Object(); var slProperties = properties; var slEvents = events; slPluginHelper.version = slProperties.version; slProperties.source = source; slPluginHelper.alt = slProperties.alt; //http://rename/ properties to their tag property names. For bacwards compatibility //http://with/ Silverlight.js version 1.0 if ( initParams ) slProperties.initParams = initParams; if ( slProperties.isWindowless && !slProperties.windowless) slProperties.windowless = slProperties.isWindowless; if ( slProperties.framerate && !slProperties.maxFramerate) slProperties.maxFramerate = slProperties.framerate; if ( id && !slProperties.id) slProperties.id = id; // remove elements which are not to be added to the instantiation tag delete slProperties.ignoreBrowserVer; delete slProperties.inplaceInstallPrompt; delete slProperties.version; delete slProperties.isWindowless; delete slProperties.framerate; delete slProperties.data; delete slProperties.src; delete slProperties.alt; // detect that the correct version of Silverlight is installed, else display install if (Silverlight.isInstalled(slPluginHelper.version)) { //http://move/ unknown events to the slProperties array for (var name in slEvents) { if ( slEvents[name]) { if ( name == "onLoad" && typeof slEvents[name] == "function" && slEvents[name].length != 1 ) { var onLoadHandler = slEvents[name]; slEvents[name]=function (sender){ return onLoadHandler(document.getElementById(id), userContext, sender)}; } var handlerName = Silverlight.__getHandlerName(slEvents[name]); if ( handlerName != null ) { slProperties[name] = handlerName; slEvents[name] = null; } else { throw "typeof events."+name+" must be 'function' or 'string'"; } } } slPluginHTML = Silverlight.buildHTML(slProperties); } //http://The/ control could not be instantiated. Show the installation prompt else { slPluginHTML = Silverlight.buildPromptHTML(slPluginHelper); } // insert or return the HTML if(parentElement) { parentElement.innerHTML = slPluginHTML; } else { return slPluginHTML; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // buildHTML: // // create HTML that instantiates the control // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.buildHTML = function( slProperties) { var htmlBuilder = []; htmlBuilder.push(''); delete slProperties.id; delete slProperties.width; delete slProperties.height; for (var name in slProperties) { if (slProperties[name]) { htmlBuilder.push(''); } } htmlBuilder.push('<\/object>'); return htmlBuilder.join(''); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // createObjectEx: // // takes a single parameter of all createObject // parameters enclosed in {} // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.createObjectEx = function(params) { var parameters = params; var html = Silverlight.createObject(parameters.source, parameters.parentElement, parameters.id, parameters.properties, parameters.events, parameters.initParams, parameters.context); if (parameters.parentElement == null) { return html; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // buildPromptHTML // // Builds the HTML to prompt the user to download and install Silverlight // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.buildPromptHTML = function(slPluginHelper) { var slPluginHTML = ""; var urlRoot = Silverlight.fwlinkRoot; var shortVer = slPluginHelper.version ; if ( slPluginHelper.alt ) { slPluginHTML = slPluginHelper.alt; } else { if (! shortVer ) { shortVer=""; } slPluginHTML = "Get Microsoft Silverlight"; slPluginHTML = slPluginHTML.replace('{1}', shortVer ); slPluginHTML = slPluginHTML.replace('{2}', urlRoot + '108181'); } return slPluginHTML; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // getSilverlight: // // Navigates the browser to the appropriate Silverlight installer // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.getSilverlight = function(version) { if (Silverlight.onGetSilverlight ) { Silverlight.onGetSilverlight(); } var shortVer = ""; var reqVerArray = String(version).split("."); if (reqVerArray.length > 1) { var majorNum = parseInt(reqVerArray[0] ); if ( isNaN(majorNum) || majorNum < 2 ) { shortVer = "1.0"; } else { shortVer = reqVerArray[0]+'.'+reqVerArray[1]; } } var verArg = ""; if (shortVer.match(/^\d+\056\d+$/) ) { verArg = "&v="+shortVer; } Silverlight.followFWLink("114576" + verArg); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // followFWLink: // // Navigates to a url based on fwlinkid // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.followFWLink = function(linkid) { top.location=Silverlight.fwlinkRoot+String(linkid); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HtmlAttributeEncode: // // Encodes special characters in input strings as charcodes // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.HtmlAttributeEncode = function( strInput ) { var c; var retVal = ''; if(strInput == null) { return null; } for(var cnt = 0; cnt < strInput.length; cnt++) { c = strInput.charCodeAt(cnt); if (( ( c > 96 ) && ( c < 123 ) ) || ( ( c > 64 ) && ( c < 91 ) ) || ( ( c > 43 ) && ( c < 58 ) && (c!=47)) || ( c == 95 )) { retVal = retVal + String.fromCharCode(c); } else { retVal = retVal + '&#' + c + ';'; } } return retVal; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // default_error_handler: // // Default error handling function // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.default_error_handler = function (sender, args) { var iErrorCode; var errorType = args.ErrorType; iErrorCode = args.ErrorCode; var errMsg = "\nSilverlight error message \n" ; errMsg += "ErrorCode: "+ iErrorCode + "\n"; errMsg += "ErrorType: " + errorType + " \n"; errMsg += "Message: " + args.ErrorMessage + " \n"; if (errorType == "ParserError") { errMsg += "XamlFile: " + args.xamlFile + " \n"; errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n"; errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n"; } else if (errorType == "RuntimeError") { if (args.lineNumber != 0) { errMsg += "Line: " + args.lineNumber + " \n"; errMsg += "Position: " + args.charPosition + " \n"; } errMsg += "MethodName: " + args.methodName + " \n"; } alert (errMsg); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // __cleanup: // // Releases event handler resources when the page is unloaded // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.__cleanup = function () { for (var i = Silverlight._silverlightCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { window['__slEvent' + i] = null; } Silverlight._silverlightCount = 0; if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener('unload', Silverlight.__cleanup , false); } else { window.detachEvent('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // __getHandlerName: // // Generates named event handlers for delegates. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Silverlight.__getHandlerName = function (handler) { var handlerName = ""; if ( typeof handler == "string") { handlerName = handler; } else if ( typeof handler == "function" ) { if (Silverlight._silverlightCount == 0) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup , false); } else { window.attachEvent('onunload', Silverlight.__cleanup ); } } var count = Silverlight._silverlightCount++; handlerName = "__slEvent"+count; window[handlerName]=handler; } else { handlerName = null; } return handlerName; } /**************************************************************************** * JW WMV Player version 1.1, created with M$ Silverlight 1.0 * * This file contains all logic for the JW WMV Player. For a functional setup, * the following two files are also needed: * - silverlight.js (for instantiating the silverlight plugin) * - wmvplayer.xaml (or another XAML skin describing the player graphics) * * More info: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_WMV_Player ****************************************************************************/ if(typeof jeroenwijering == "undefined") { var jeroenwijering = new Object(); jeroenwijering.utils = new Object(); } /**************************************************************************** * The player wrapper; loads config variables and starts MVC cycle. ****************************************************************************/ jeroenwijering.Player = function(cnt,src,cfg) { this.controller; this.model; this.view; this.configuration = { backgroundcolor:'FFFFFF', windowless:'false', file:'', height:'260', image:'', backcolor:'FFFFFF', frontcolor:'000000', lightcolor:'000000', screencolor:'000000', width:'320', logo:'', overstretch:'false', shownavigation:'true', showstop:'false', showdigits:'true', usefullscreen:'true', usemute:'false', autostart:'false', bufferlength:'3', duration:'0', repeat:'false', sender:'', start:'0', volume:'90', link:'', linkfromdisplay:'false', linktarget:'_self' }; for(itm in this.configuration) { if(cfg[itm] != undefined) { if (itm.indexOf('color') > 0) { this.configuration[itm] = cfg[itm].substr(cfg[itm].length-6); } else { this.configuration[itm] = cfg[itm]; } } } Silverlight.createObjectEx({ source:src, parentElement:cnt, properties:{ width:this.configuration['width'], height:this.configuration['height'], version:'1.0', inplaceInstallPrompt:true, isWindowless:this.configuration['windowless'], background:'#'+this.configuration['backgroundcolor'] }, events:{ onLoad:this.onLoadHandler, onError:null }, context:this }); } jeroenwijering.Player.prototype = { addListener: function(typ,fcn) { this.view.listeners.push({type:typ,func:fcn}); }, getConfig: function() { return this.configuration; }, onLoadHandler: function(pid,tgt,sdr) { tgt.configuration['sender'] = sdr; tgt.controller = new jeroenwijering.Controller(tgt.configuration); tgt.view = new jeroenwijering.View(tgt.configuration,tgt.controller); tgt.model = new jeroenwijering.Model(tgt.configuration,tgt.controller,tgt.view); tgt.controller.startMVC(tgt.view,tgt.model); }, sendEvent: function(typ,prm) { switch(typ.toUpperCase()) { case 'LINK': this.controller.setLink(); break; case 'LOAD': this.controller.setLoad(prm); break; case 'MUTE': this.controller.setMute(); break; case 'PLAY': this.controller.setPlay(); break; case 'SCRUB': this.controller.setScrub(prm); break; case 'STOP': this.controller.setStop(); break; case 'VOLUME': this.controller.setVolume(prm); break; } } } /**************************************************************************** * The controller of the player MVC triad, which processes all user input. ****************************************************************************/ jeroenwijering.Controller = function(cfg) { this.configuration = cfg; } jeroenwijering.Controller.prototype = { startMVC: function(vie,mdl) { this.view = vie; this.model = mdl; if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { this.view.onVolume(0); this.view.onMute(true); this.model.goVolume(0); } else { this.view.onVolume(this.configuration['volume']); this.model.goVolume(this.configuration['volume']); } if(this.configuration['autostart'] == 'true') { this.model.goStart(); } else { this.model.goPause(); } }, setState: function(old,stt) { this.state = stt; var pos = this.configuration['start']; if(old == 'Closed' && pos > 0) { setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.setScrub),200,pos); } }, setLink: function() { if (this.configuration['linktarget'].indexOf('javascript:') == 0) { return Function(this.configuration['linktarget']).apply(); } else if (this.configuration['linktarget'] == '_blank') { window.open(this.configuration['link']); } else if (this.configuration['linktarget'] != '') { window.location = this.configuration['link']; } }, setLoad: function(fil) { if(this.model.state != "Closed") { this.model.goStop(); } this.configuration['file'] = fil; if(this.configuration['autostart'] == 'true') { setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.model,this.model.goStart),100); } }, setMute: function() { if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { this.configuration['usemute'] = 'false'; this.model.goVolume(this.configuration['volume']); this.view.onMute(false); } else { this.configuration['usemute'] = 'true'; this.model.goVolume(0); this.view.onMute(true); } }, setPlay: function() { if(this.state == 'Buffering' || this.state == 'Playing') { if(this.configuration['duration'] == 0) { this.model.goStop(); } else { this.model.goPause(); } } else { this.model.goStart(); } }, setScrub: function(sec) { if(sec < 2) { sec = 0; } else if (sec > this.configuration['duration']-4) { sec = this.configuration['duration']-4; } if(this.state == 'Buffering' || this.state == 'Playing') { this.model.goStart(sec); } else { this.model.goPause(sec); } }, setStop: function() { this.model.goStop(); }, setVolume: function(pct) { if(pct < 0) { pct = 0; } else if(pct > 100) { pct = 100; } this.configuration['volume'] = Math.round(pct); this.model.goVolume(pct); this.view.onVolume(pct); if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { this.configuration['usemute'] = 'false'; this.view.onMute(false); } }, setFullscreen: function() { var fss = !this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.FullScreen; this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.FullScreen = fss; jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.view,this.view.onFullscreen); } } /**************************************************************************** * The view of the player MVC triad, which manages the graphics. ****************************************************************************/ jeroenwijering.View = function(cfg,ctr) { this.configuration = cfg; this.listeners = Array(); this.controller = ctr; this.fstimeout; this.fslistener; this.display = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlayerDisplay"); this.controlbar = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlayerControls"); this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.onResize = jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.resizePlayer); this.configuration['sender'].getHost().content.onFullScreenChange = jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.onFullscreen); this.assignColorsClicks(); this.resizePlayer(); } jeroenwijering.View.prototype = { onBuffer: function(pct) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; if(pct == 0) { snd.findName("BufferText").Text = null; } else { pct < 10 ? pct = "0"+pct: pct = ""+pct; snd.findName("BufferText").Text = pct; } this.delegate('BUFFER',[pct]); }, onFullscreen: function(fss) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; var fst = snd.getHost().content.FullScreen; if(fst) { this.fstimeout = setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this, this.hideFSControls),2000); this.fslistener = this.display.addEventListener('MouseMove', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.showFSControls)); snd.findName("FullscreenSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("FullscreenOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; } else { clearTimeout(this.fstimeout); this.display.removeEventListener("MouseMove",this.fslistener); this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; snd.findName("FullscreenSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("FullscreenOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; } this.resizePlayer(); this.delegate('FULLSCREEN'); }, showFSControls: function(sdr,arg) { var vbt = sdr.findName('PlayerControls'); var yps = arg.GetPosition(vbt).Y; clearTimeout(this.fstimeout); this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; if(yps < 0) { this.fstimeout = setTimeout(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this, this.hideFSControls),2000); } }, hideFSControls: function() { this.controlbar.Visibility = "Collapsed"; this.display.Cursor = "None"; }, onLoad: function(pct) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; var max = snd.findName("TimeSlider").Width; snd.findName("DownloadProgress").Width = Math.round(max*pct/100); this.delegate('LOAD',[pct]); }, onMute: function(mut) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; this.configuration['usemute'] = ''+mut; if(mut) { snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("MuteSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("MuteOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; if(this.state == 'Playing') { snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; } } else { snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("MuteSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("MuteOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; } this.delegate('MUTE'); }, onState: function(old,stt) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; this.state = stt; if(stt == 'Buffering' || stt == 'Playing' || stt == 'Opening') { snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("PlaySymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("PlayOffSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; if (stt=='Playing') { snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Collapsed"; if(this.configuration['usemute'] == 'true') { snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; } } else{ snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Visible"; } } else { snd.findName("MuteIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("BufferIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("BufferText").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("PlayOffSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; snd.findName("PlaySymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; if(this.configuration['linkfromdisplay'] == 'true') { snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; } else { snd.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Visible"; } } try { if(!(old == 'Completed' && stt == 'Buffering') && !(old == 'Buffering' && stt == 'Paused')) { playerStatusChange(old.toUpperCase(),stt.toUpperCase()); } } catch (err) {} this.delegate('STATE',[old,stt]); }, onTime: function(elp,dur) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; var snd = this.configuration['sender']; var max = snd.findName("TimeSlider").Width; if(dur > 0) { var pos = Math.round(max*elp/dur); this.configuration['duration'] = dur; snd.findName("ElapsedText").Text = jeroenwijering.utils.timestring(elp); snd.findName("RemainingText").Text = jeroenwijering.utils.timestring(dur-elp); snd.findName("TimeSymbol").Visibility = "Visible"; snd.findName("TimeSymbol")['Canvas.Left'] = pos+4; snd.findName("TimeHighlight").Width = pos-2; } else { snd.findName("TimeSymbol").Visibility = "Collapsed"; } this.delegate('TIME',[elp,dur]); }, onVolume: function(pct) { var snd = this.configuration['sender']; snd.findName("VolumeHighlight").Width = Math.round(pct/5); this.delegate('VOLUME',[pct]); }, assignColorsClicks: function() { this.display.Cursor = "Hand"; this.display.Background = "#FF"+this.configuration['screencolor']; if(this.configuration['linkfromdisplay'] == 'false') { this.display.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller, this.controller.setPlay)); } else { this.display.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller, this.controller.setLink)); this.display.findName("PlayIcon").Visibility = "Collapsed"; } if(this.configuration['logo'] != '') { this.display.findName('OverlayCanvas').Visibility = "Visible"; this.display.findName('OverlayLogo').ImageSource = this.configuration['logo']; } this.controlbar.findName("ControlbarBack").Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['backcolor']; this.assignButton('Play',this.controller.setPlay); this.assignButton('Stop',this.controller.setStop); this.configuration['sender'].findName('ElapsedText').Foreground = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; this.assignSlider('Time',this.changeTime); this.configuration['sender'].findName('DownloadProgress').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; this.configuration['sender'].findName('RemainingText').Foreground = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; this.assignButton('Link',this.controller.setLink); this.assignButton('Fullscreen',this.controller.setFullscreen); this.assignButton('Mute',this.controller.setMute); this.assignSlider('Volume',this.changeVolume); }, assignButton: function(btn,act) { var el1 = this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'Button'); el1.Cursor = "Hand"; el1.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this.controller,act)); el1.addEventListener('MouseEnter', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOver)); el1.addEventListener('MouseLeave', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOut)); this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'Symbol').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; try { this.configuration['sender'].findName(btn+'OffSymbol').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; } catch(e) {} }, assignSlider: function(sld,act) { var el1 = this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Button'); el1.Cursor = "Hand"; el1.addEventListener('MouseLeftButtonUp', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,act)); el1.addEventListener('MouseEnter', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOver)); el1.addEventListener('MouseLeave', jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.rollOut)); this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Slider').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Highlight').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; this.configuration['sender'].findName(sld+'Symbol').Fill = "#FF"+this.configuration['frontcolor']; }, delegate: function(typ,arg) { for(var i=0; i 160) { rgt += 35; this.controlbar.findName('RemainingButton').Visibility="Visible"; this.controlbar.findName('ElapsedButton').Visibility="Visible"; this.placeElement('RemainingButton',wid-rgt); this.placeElement('ElapsedButton',lft); lft +=35; } else { this.controlbar.findName('RemainingButton').Visibility = "Collapsed"; this.controlbar.findName('ElapsedButton').Visibility="Collapsed"; } this.placeElement('TimeButton',lft); this.stretchElement('TimeButton',wid-lft-rgt); this.stretchElement('TimeShadow',wid-lft-rgt); this.stretchElement('TimeStroke',wid-lft-rgt); this.stretchElement('TimeFill',wid-lft-rgt); this.stretchElement('TimeSlider',wid-lft-rgt-10); this.stretchElement('DownloadProgress',wid-lft-rgt-10); var tsb = this.configuration['sender'].findName('TimeSymbol'); this.stretchElement('TimeHighlight',tsb['Canvas.Left']-5); this.controlbar.Visibility = "Visible"; }, centerElement: function(nam,wid,hei) { var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); elm['Canvas.Left'] = Math.round(wid/2 - elm.Width/2); elm['Canvas.Top'] = Math.round(hei/2 - elm.Height/2); }, stretchElement: function(nam,wid,hei) { var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); elm.Width = wid; if (hei != undefined) { elm.Height = hei; } }, placeElement: function(nam,xps,yps) { var elm = this.configuration['sender'].findName(nam); elm['Canvas.Left'] = xps; if(yps) { elm['Canvas.Top'] = yps; } } } /**************************************************************************** * The model of the player MVC triad, which stores all playback logic. ****************************************************************************/ jeroenwijering.Model = function(cfg,ctr,vie) { this.configuration = cfg; this.controller = ctr; this.view = vie; this.video = this.configuration['sender'].findName("VideoWindow"); this.preview = this.configuration['sender'].findName("PlaceholderImage"); var str = { 'true':'UniformToFill', 'false':'Uniform', 'fit':'Fill', 'none':'None' } this.state = this.video.CurrentState; this.timeint; this.video.Stretch = str[this.configuration['overstretch']]; this.preview.Stretch = str[this.configuration['overstretch']]; this.video.BufferingTime = jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(this.configuration['bufferlength']); this.video.AutoPlay = true; this.video.AddEventListener("CurrentStateChanged", jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.stateChanged)); this.video.AddEventListener("MediaEnded", jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.mediaEnded)); this.video.AddEventListener("BufferingProgressChanged", jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.bufferChanged)); this.video.AddEventListener("DownloadProgressChanged", jeroenwijering.utils.delegate(this,this.downloadChanged)); if(this.configuration['image'] != '') { this.preview.Source = this.configuration['image']; } } jeroenwijering.Model.prototype = { goPause: function(sec) { this.video.pause(); if(!isNaN(sec)) { this.video.Position = jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(sec); } this.timeChanged(); }, goStart: function(sec) { this.video.Visibility = 'Visible'; this.preview.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; if(this.state == "Closed") { this.video.Source = this.configuration['file']; } else { this.video.play(); } if(!isNaN(sec)) { this.video.Position = jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring(sec); } }, goStop: function() { this.video.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; this.preview.Visibility = 'Visible'; this.goPause(0); this.video.Source = 'null'; this.view.onBuffer(0); clearInterval(this.timeint); }, goVolume: function(pct) { this.video.Volume = pct/100; }, stateChanged: function() { var stt = this.video.CurrentState; if(stt != this.state) { this.controller.setState(this.state,stt); this.view.onState(this.state,stt); this.state = stt; this.configuration['duration'] = Math.round(this.video.NaturalDuration.Seconds*10)/10; if(stt != "Playing" && stt != "Buffering" && stt != "Opening") { clearInterval(this.timeint); } else { this.timeint = setInterval(jeroenwijering.utils.delegate( this,this.timeChanged),100); } } }, mediaEnded: function() { if(this.configuration['repeat'] == 'true') { this.goStart(0); } else { this.state = 'Completed'; this.view.onState(this.state,'Completed'); this.video.Visibility = 'Collapsed'; this.preview.Visibility = 'Visible'; this.goPause(0); } }, bufferChanged: function() { var bfr = Math.round(this.video.BufferingProgress*100); this.view.onBuffer(bfr); }, downloadChanged: function() { var dld = Math.round(this.video.DownloadProgress*100); this.view.onLoad(dld); }, timeChanged: function() { var pos = Math.round(this.video.Position.Seconds*10)/10; this.view.onTime(pos,this.configuration['duration']); } } /**************************************************************************** * Some utility functions. ****************************************************************************/ jeroenwijering.utils.delegate = function(obj,fcn) { return function() { return fcn.apply(obj,arguments); } } jeroenwijering.utils.timestring = function(stp) { var hrs = Math.floor(stp/3600); var min = Math.floor(stp%3600/60); var sec = Math.round(stp%60); var str = ""; sec > 9 ? str += sec: str +='0'+sec; min > 9 ? str = min+":"+str: str='0'+min+":"+str; hrs > 0 ? str = hrs+":"+str: null; return str; } jeroenwijering.utils.spanstring = function(stp) { var hrs = Math.floor(stp/3600); var min = Math.floor(stp%3600/60); var sec = Math.round(stp%60*10)/10; var str = hrs+':'+min+':'+sec; return str; } /* File: AC_QuickTime.js Abstract: This file contains functions to generate OBJECT and EMBED tags for QuickTime content. Version: <1.1> Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright � 2006 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved */ /* * This file contains functions to generate OBJECT and EMBED tags for QuickTime content. */ /************** LOCALIZABLE GLOBAL VARIABLES ****************/ var gArgCountErr = 'The "%%" function requires an even number of arguments.' + '\nArguments should be in the form "atttributeName", "attributeValue", ...'; /******************** END LOCALIZABLE **********************/ var gTagAttrs = null; var gQTGeneratorVersion = 1.0; function AC_QuickTimeVersion() { return gQTGeneratorVersion; } function _QTComplain(callingFcnName, errMsg) { errMsg = errMsg.replace("%%", callingFcnName); alert(errMsg); } function _QTAddAttribute(prefix, slotName, tagName) { var value; value = gTagAttrs[prefix + slotName]; if ( null == value ) value = gTagAttrs[slotName]; if ( null != value ) { if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf(prefix) && (null == tagName) ) tagName = slotName.substring(prefix.length); if ( null == tagName ) tagName = slotName; return '' + tagName + '="' + value + '"'; } else return ""; } function _QTAddObjectAttr(slotName, tagName) { // don't bother if it is only for the embed tag if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") ) return ""; if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") && (null == tagName) ) tagName = slotName.substring(4); return _QTAddAttribute("obj#", slotName, tagName); } function _QTAddEmbedAttr(slotName, tagName) { // don't bother if it is only for the object tag if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") ) return ""; if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") && (null == tagName) ) tagName = slotName.substring(4); return _QTAddAttribute("emb#", slotName, tagName); } function _QTAddObjectParam(slotName, generateXHTML) { var paramValue; var paramStr = ""; var endTagChar = (generateXHTML) ? ' />' : '>'; if ( -1 == slotName.indexOf("emb#") ) { // look for the OBJECT-only param first. if there is none, look for a generic one paramValue = gTagAttrs["obj#" + slotName]; if ( null == paramValue ) paramValue = gTagAttrs[slotName]; if ( 0 == slotName.indexOf("obj#") ) slotName = slotName.substring(4); if ( null != paramValue ) paramStr = '' + _QTAddObjectParam("src", generateXHTML); var embedTag = ''; } // return the object/embed as a string function QT_GenerateOBJECTText() { return _QTGenerate("QT_GenerateOBJECTText", false, arguments); } function QT_GenerateOBJECTText_XHTML() { return _QTGenerate("QT_GenerateOBJECTText_XHTML", true, arguments); } function QT_WriteOBJECT() { document.writeln(_QTGenerate("QT_WriteOBJECT", false, arguments)); } function QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML() { document.writeln(_QTGenerate("QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML", true, arguments)); } /* // JoomlaWorks "AllVideos" Plugin for Joomla! 1.5.x - Version 3.3 // Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. // Released under the GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // More info at http://www.joomlaworks.gr/ // Designed and developed by the JoomlaWorks team // *** Last update: February 18th, 2010 *** */ /* TO DO: check IE support close button for window */ var AllVideosLightBox = { Init: function(elm){ var AVLBWidth = elm.AVLBWidth; var AVLBHeight = elm.AVLBHeight; var isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1; var isIE6 = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 6') != -1; var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var i=0; i\  \ \
\ '+getVideoTag+'\  \
\ '; // Create and append the HTML var videoContainer = document.createElement('div'); videoContainer.id = "AVLBOverlay"; videoContainer.innerHTML = videoPopupHTML; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(videoContainer); // Destroy HTML created for the popup var closeLinks = videoContainer.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var j=0; j'; // Append the embed HTML span[i].innerHTML = embedHTML; // Auto select text when clicked on var inputElement = document.getElementById('embedInput'+getVideoID); inputElement.onclick = function(){ this.focus(); this.select(); } } } }, htmlentities: function(elm){ elm = elm.replace( /\n/g, '' ); elm = elm.replace( /\r/g, '' ); elm = elm.replace( /\t/g, '' ); elm = elm.replace( /\&/g, '&' ); elm = elm.replace( /\/g, '>' ); elm = elm.replace( /\"/g, '"' ); elm = elm.replace( /\'/g, "'" ); return elm; } } // End